Friday, May 25, 2007

Coming In and Going Out (SOLD)

© 2007 Karen Mathison Schmidt

6 x 6 • acrylic on gessobord
Gloss varnish for protection and ease of cleaning


  1. very strong. Great color and brushwork!

  2. Alot of artists try to paint scenes like this one with less than succssful results. I kept coming back to look at this one. I love the color and design. It has the welcoming effect that I'm guessing you had in mind when you painted it. It's lovely.

  3. I really liked this one. It's a subject matter that could have come off as trite but it had for me the welcoming effect I'm guessing you were striving for. Beautiful color and nice design, it's lovely.

  4. Sorry about the double post on this painting...I thought the first one didn't go through!

  5. no problem, Paula – thanks so much for your comments!

    and thank you, Mary – It’s constant struggle for me to let go control of the details and try to paint more loosely. I appreciate your encourament!

  6. I suspect I know this 'paula' and her work - her praise is worth something! I love the design, too, and the colors 'pop'.
